Friday, January 15, 2016

Thrifty Finds Friday

My hubby and I had a fun thrifting adventure a few nights ago with our friends David and Amanda Carey at the Gahanna Goodwill. Here's what I found:

Brand New Target vest $5

The Addison Story blouse $5
Brand New Target silver coated tank $5

And a few things for the baby, of course!
Old Navy sweatshirt and puffer vest in one $3

old Star Wars baby boy t-shirt $3
I know nothing about Star Wars but I think this is a pretty old t-shirt which I think makes it cooler!
 Baby Gap dress (for my BFF's baby girl) $3

Any Favorites?

Pregnancy update:
So our little rascal decided sometime between our 38 and 39 week appts to turn and he is now breech. He was head down for months! So we are going to the hospital on Monday afternoon for the doctor to do a procedure called a version where she will try to turn him around by pushing on my belly. If she can get him to turn they will immediately induce labor. If she can't get him to turn then I will have a c section. So either way we will get to meet our little guy on Monday (or Tuesday depending on how long it takes)! It was pretty unexpected but I have to say I kind of love that I know exactly when things are going down so I can do my hair and makeup and be ready! I will of course post pictures of him but I'm planning on taking some time off from the blog to adjust to the "new normal" life. I just want to relax and enjoy my time off with my hubby and baby! Thanks for all your kind words and support during my pregnancy!


  1. Cheeky baby! Hopefully the ECV is successful and baby heads towards the light! Pop a packet of frozen peas on your fundus and a warm pack on your abdomen and see if baby kicks around by himself...and a stern talking to!

  2. Thanks for share a nice baby collection.

  3. Exact same thing happened with my oldest daughter,but she had always been breech. The doctor turned to turn her, but she never did. 2 weeks later I had a c-section.

  4. Omg!!! Sups excited to see him!!!! I hope he realizes how fabulous a wardrobe he already has;)

  5. Of course you must take some time off to get used to your new expanded family :)) Looking forward to seeing the pics of your little boy, and later on, enjoying him in all the fabulous outfits you have lined up for him!!

  6. You must have had the baby by now! Best wishes and enjoy your time off with him! I've been a reader of your blog for years--and will be waiting for your return when you are ready!

  7. (me, too!) :) Congratulations, mama!

  8. That vest is to die for! Great find. Congratulations on the baby! I'm assuming you had him by now :)

  9. I love that vest! It's so unique looking. Best wishes with the little one!

  10. Love the vest! I've wanted their fuzzy vests they've had out lately... but they're so expensive at Target. Maybe I'll get lucky like you did!

  11. Congratulations! I had 3 c-sections and I loved knowing exactly when and where things were going to happen!

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  13. I love that vest! Great score! : )

  14. Love the baby stuff. You definitely scored.


  15. Hi, I know you don't know me, but I love thrifting and have done it for years being a divorced mom of 3. It's hard to make ends meet sometimes so saving money and getting good quality items always helps out. I recently started my own online thrift store called 5 Angels Thrift to hopefully supplement my income. Unfortunately I have been adding products everyday for a month and haven't made a single sale. A friend told me to contact a thrift store blogger and ask for them to do a review on the ease of navigation, products, etc. on my online store. So, I was wondering if that would be something you would like to do. I've enjoyed reading your blogs and think you would give your honest opinion. Thanks so much for any time you take to check it out. It's Hope you have a great day. :)

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