Monday, July 27, 2015

Life Update and Some Honest Feelings


I have some big news to share with you all... I'm having a baby! I'm sure you all have lots of questions so hopefully this will cover it all but feel free to ask me anything in the comments!

If you've noticed that my posts have been few and far between for the past couple of months it's because I've been suffering with severe pregnancy sickness and migraines. At about 7 weeks the sickness hit me like a truck and left me unable to go to work for several weeks or even get off the couch most days. I'm not sure why they call it morning sickness because I was sick 24 hrs a day! It was so awful. Eating was so not fun and I ended up losing like 5 lbs. My husband has been so amazing! Trowing out my puke bags, going to the grocery store like every other day because there is only one thing I could possibly eat, back and foot massages, and just incredibly patient and encouraging! I could not have gotten through this without him... and La Croix! 

I'm 14 weeks now- 15 weeks on Wednesday. So that makes my due date January 20th which is one week after our 15 year wedding anniversary! That sounds so crazy! Who waits 15 years to start a family? We do! 

I'm still not feeling very good but it is better than it was for sure! No more throwing up- Thank you Jesus! I've literally tried everything so don't even bother with suggestions- from essential oils to everything under the sun made of ginger to several prescription drugs- you name it I've tried it! I'm on an anti nausea pill now and it works the best out of everything but still not completely. Then there are the migraines. I pretty much always have a headache but periodically it gets worse and I can't do anything; no work, no t.v., no computer, just sleep in a dark. quiet room! I've never suffered from headaches or migraines that much before so I really have a lot of compassion for those of you who have them all the time! I'm back at work but I'm shortened my hours to 9-2pm on my regular days- Tuesday, Friday, ad Saturday. The sickness and headaches get worse in the afternoon and evening so this schedule has worked out well! I used to work till 8pm and now I'm in bed by 8pm! On the up side, I'm getting a lot of rest! 

I wasn't surprised at all when I found out I was pregnant as we have been not exactly trying but not preventing pregnancy for almost a year. Even though It wasn't a surprise it was still a lot for me to take in. You see, I'm not like most other women. I've never been sure if I even wanted to be parent (except for fur babies!) I'm just not into babies. I don't think baby stuff is cute. I think baby showers are a cruel kind of torture and when I hear people baby talking it makes me feel ill. Sorry, just being honest! I can't be the only one, right?  So to be honest, between that and the fact that I've been so sick it's been hard for me to feel excited about all this. I feel really guilty for saying that because I know so many people who struggle to get pregnant and want it more than anything. I think I'll be more excited once I start feeling better and when I get to meet the baby. It just doesn't even really feel real yet.

I truly believe what many parents have told me is true that when it's your own child it is just different. I also feel like God was telling me that he would support my decision either way but that if we chose to be parents he would use it to bless our lives and use it to refine us in ways in ways He never could otherwise. I'll be honest, I'm still not completely sure about all this but God has given me an assurance that it will be good and I trust Him! 

I love blogging and definitely am planning on continuing! I can't wait to show you how to dress a bump on a budget! My plan is to try to get by with as few actual maternity clothes as I can! I already put together a whole wardrobe full of my regular clothes that will work! As far as maternity clothes go, so far I've bought a black tank top, a white tank top, a black t-shirt, and a white t-shirt. The plan is to wear those under regular jackets and sweaters. Right now I'm still wearing all my regular clothes but I know it won't be long! And don't worry, the vision here at Thrift & Shout will stay the same. It will not be turning into a "kid" blog! I will of course give you updates but thrifty fashion will remain the main focus! 


This is the only big announcement we are making so feel privileged! We have of course already told our family and close friends but we are not really into big social media announcements. But you guys are like my extended family so I had to tell you and besides, I didn't want you to think I was just getting fat! 


  1. That is so exciting! Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations!! The pics of your kitties in those shirts are SO adorable. I'm sure it's hard to actually enjoy being pregnant and being excited when you feel nauseous all the time- glad you're feeling better! Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes easier for you :)

  3. YAY congrats!!

    ps love the cats!

  4. Congratulations. I have been reading your blog for a while-I don't comment much anywhere, but love it and am very happy for you! Glad you are starting to feel better.

  5. This is so awesome, I'm so excited for you! I honestly was never a 'baby person' either, until I had my own... and after three, I *might* be done growing our family! I had horrible 'all-day' sickness with my third, that finally subsided about halfway through the second trimester, so I'll be praying that happens for you, hopefully even sooner than it did for me. One great resource I found for maternity clothes was the site ThredUP (link: ), they're all secondhand clothes that have been checked for flaws and are in like new condition... as small-framed as you are, you may not even need any maternity clothes until the last month or so, but I figure I'd pass along the link in case you need it! (btw, that link is a referral link that gives you $10 to shop). Best wishes on the rest of your pregnancy!

    Grace @

    1. Oh yeah, I check Thred Up all the time! Thanks Gracie-Lou!

  6. congrats! my husband and I have been married for 11 years and haven't decided yet-im glad to hear we are not the only ones :)

    1. Thanks for sharing Amy! That makes me feel better! It's such a big decision!

  7. Aww congrats! I'm one of those crazy people who has children far apart in age (two daughters 18 and 6). My husband and I were together for 8 years BEFORE the 6 year old came along. Every pregnancy is different, some days will be easier than others. It seems like you have a very good support system around you. Best of luck to you and your husband!

    1. Thanks Ianiza! You are just proof that you just have to do whatever works for you! That there is no magic timeline for life! That is good for me to remember!

  8. Congrats! I was wondering if you were expecting when I noticed that you weren't posting as frequently! I'm a longtime reader of your blog, and to be honest, I always wondered why you didn't have children because you seemed like you'd be such a good mom. I have two kids (one with special needs) and parenting is one of the most tiring, challenging, frustrating, yet rewarding things I've ever done. It adds a depth to life that I hadn't known before parenthood. Anyway....congrats! I'm really happy for you!

    1. I thought people might figure it out! Thanks so much for your kind words Alyssa! I definitely feel encouraged!

  9. Congrats! I love the shirts on the cats!

  10. Thanks for having the guts to say you have mixed feelings. I have three children, 28, 26 and 17 and guess what? I'm still not sure I want kids! They are marvelous and I love them, goes without saying, but it's a life changer to say the least. Take good care of yourself and give the rest up to God. I'm sure your Gram will be there to help too! :)

    1. My hubby and I read your comment together and we both cracked up about the first line! But I totally get what you are saying and it's really helpful to hear! Thanks so much Liz and you are right, I know my grandma is looking down smiling!

  11. Congratulations :) I thought something was up with the scattered posts!

    Looking forward to thrifted baby clothes ;)

    1. Oh the thrifted baby clothes.... You have noooo idea <3 It's like a whole new realm of impossibly good deals.

    2. Thanks Kathryn! I feel so much better now that the cat is out of the bag! Yes, I am definitely looking forward to thrifting some awesome baby clothes!

  12. I was so uncomfortable around babies and kids, didn't know what to do or say to them. I have one of my own now, an almost 7-year old boy. Totally true that it's different with your own. I've had friends who swore they didn't want kids, accidentally got pregnant then went on to have more because they loved being a mom so much. I was worried when I found out I was having a boy, I didn't want to have to do "boy things" but of course now I wouldn't trade him for anything. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! Thrifting kids' clothing is the best!

    1. So good to hear hear! Thank you Kelly! I am also a little more nervous about having a boy since I'm such a girly girl!

  13. Congratulations! It's very true that it's different when it's your own. I just am not a kid person at all, but my four are my heart and soul. I also cringe when I hear ANYONE talking baby talk. But I did to my own and grandchildren and you will find yourself doing it too, it's impossible not to, but probably not within earshot of another person!

    1. Thanks Jeannie! That's so funny and you are so right that everything you say before you have kids probably just goes out the window after!

  14. I knew it!! You have been posting on Pinterest a lot of maternity outfit ideas! "For you friends"! I wish you the best you will be a heck of a fashion mommy to be!!!!!! And I also hope you can continue to inspire us during and after this new journey! I hope you get better!!!! Thanks for always inspire us to be fashion at a fraction!!!!!

    1. Yeah I thought some people might figure it out! I actually did start that board 2 years ago for my friend Anita but yes, lately it has been for me! I can't wait to tackle this new fashion hurdle and hopefully inspire you all! Thanks so much Reecemarie!

  15. Congratulations! I love your blog, but have never commented before. Thank you for your candid comments. I wasn't sure about kids either but our little miracle came whether we wanted him to or not! I was very sick too but the second trimester was much much better. Our son is amazing (to us) and having him has enriched our lives so much, from better extended family relations to meeting tons of great new people through his friends! We also get out a lot more now, instead of cocktails and movies we hike and camp. Date nights are so much more precious too. Enjoy the sleep you are getting now!

    1. So glad to hear I;m not the only one who wasn't sure about having kids; and it's also great to hear that you love it so much now! Thanks for the encouragement!

  16. congratulations. i think it's great that you waited so long in your marriage, so that you can be truly ready (or as ready as you think you need to be) to have a baby. i looove how you got all your kitties these shirts, that is so adorable. best wishes to you and your husband.

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, we've had plenty of time to have fun and travel which I think will serve us well! I had so much fun taking pictures of my kitties in their t-shirts- not sure if they did- but they were good sports!

  17. Congratulations! I hope everything will go well for you. Your kitty photos, and the shirts, are gorgeous!

  18. Congratulations, lady!
    The hubs + I are trying for our own little bundle, so I look forward to all of your thrifty tips and tricks for dressing throughout a pregnancy!

  19. Congratulations Mama!!!! this is such an exciting time!!!

  20. Congrats! I hope you start feeling better though! I can definitely understand your feelings about having a baby. I'm not a kid person either. I really don't like babies. I'm glad I'm not the only one! But I feel like I want kids eventually.... I'm actually jealous that you've been married for 14 years without kids. I've only been married for 4 years. But if I wait 10 more years I'll be 40 and I think that might be a little late...haha.
    Jeans and a Teacup

    1. Thanks Jessica! Sounds like you totally understand how I feel! It is nice to know you are not the only one who isn't baby crazy! I wouldn't worry too much about your age- just do it when you feel it's time! I'm 35 so that gives you like 5 more years of marriage!

  21. Congratulations! Praying your migraines and sickness go soon.

  22. Congratulations! I completely get how you feel. My first pregnancy was not a good one. I was sick the first trimester and the last, and I was not well during giving birth. I didn't see her until the third day since I was out of it. She was born 2 weeks before our first anniversary; it was not planned. That baby just turned 22 last week! Now it seems that you won't ever feel good, but it won't last forever. My other daughter's birthday is January 23; that pregnancy was better. :)

    1. Thanks Lee Ann! That sounds awful! But it's good to hear it's all worth it! Thanks for the encouragement!

  23. Congratulations! I'm a new follower but wanted to comment. I feel you on the 24 hour sickness, I had it almost every day from week 4 to about week 24. Then it came back in the last month. I'm sorry that you are suffering from migraines..but thank you for your candid comments...having a baby is a big life changer for sure and everybody has their own thoughts and views on it.

    I was very resistant to maternity clothes...I couldn't stand paying upwards of $20 on a shirt I would grow out of and never wear again after the bump was gone. That's really when I started hitting the thrift stores on a regular basis..people usually donate maternity clothes when they are done having children and you can find a good selection barely used for a quarter of the price brand new. I also looked in the plus section for anything that had ties...any shirt especially that had ties that could adjust as the belly got bigger =)

    1. Thanks Johanna and welcome to Thrift & Shout! So glad you stopped by! It's good to hear that you had success thrifting for maternity clothes because I will definitely be on the hunt!

  24. Congratulations! I thrifted all my maternity clothes, and I loved thrifting baby clothes. I also did the baby's room with hand me downs and thrift. I can't wait to see what cute things you do. I hope you feel better soon. I had conflicting feelings about each of my children when I was pregnant. You aren't the only one who does. Best of luck!

    1. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who has mixed feelings about kids! Good to hear you found great maternity and baby stuff from the thrift store! I will definitely be doing everything on a budget! Thanks!

  25. Congrats! thrifting will get more frustrating as you get bigger, but it can be done! Also, I don't like babies either, I don't like baby "stuff" and I HATE baby showers. I didn't even really like my own babies until they started interacting and I could see their personalities taking shape (I know, it sounds horrible but I'm being honest!) That being said I have two children who are my pride and joy...not my "whole life" but they have made me a better person and I cannot imagine life without them, they are such an incredible source of joy. Don't worry, you'll get there!

    1. That doesn't sound horrible at all to me! It is actually very encouraging that I'm not the only one who isn't baby crazy! It also makes a lot of sense as it is really hard at first so of course you love them but it's probably hard to like them until they start being more fun! Glad to hear it gets better too! I love what you said about them not being your whole life! It is really important to me to keep my own identity as a person and not just a mom! Thanks so much Jessica! I feel encouraged!

  26. I just wanted to say a few things - first, congratulations! My husband and I waited 8 years to get our own family started, and we know it was the right choice. Waiting so long has let us have a deeper connection and sense of security - both with ourselves and with our lives.

    Second! I am 8 months (32 weeks) pregnant right now and was JUST thinking the other day how fun it would be to see you posting maternity thrift tips. I knew early on that I didn't want to invest in a lot of maternity pieces I could only wear once, so I bought a capsule wardrobe of maternity wear (which I actually just posted about on my blog @ and wore stuff from my existing wardrobe until about month 7. What I never expected was for my hips and chest to get so big so fast. My hips grew 6 inches by about month 4 or 5 and my chest grew quickly as well - that made it challenging! Some people get to wear their prepregnancy pants until the end with just a bellaband, but I can't even get mine over my thighs! It's not even from weight gain, just from a change in body structure! By month 7 I really needed more actual maternity clothing, and I started thrifting and ebaying to find it. Anyway, I'm excited to see what you put together, even though I won't get to benefit from it ;)

    Lastly, when you thrift make sure to ask if they have a maternity section in the store. Sometimes it's so hidden you'd never know! I picked up 2 maternity dresses today for just $2.50 each at Salvation Army - I'll get to wear them maybe twice each, but feeling like you have wardrobe variety really matters to those of us who hardly wear the same outfit twice.

    I hope you start feeling better soon! Weeks 20 to 27 were the best for me. xoxo Brittany

    1. I can't wait to stop by your blog and learn more about maternity fashion! Sounds like you've got it all figured out and have some great tips! Thanks so much for your comment!

  27. Congratulations! Also, thank you SO much for sharing your honest feelings. I have never been the kind of woman who "knew I was born to be a mother" or was dying to have a baby either. My husband and I waited 6 years. Even now as we are trying and having trouble, I still have a lot of fears. I know God will definitely have a lot of refining work to do in my character. I know you will be a great mom. The truth is, it is not easy, but it is beautiful and good. You love your husband and you will love your own kid. I'm so sorry you have not felt well! I hope you feel better with each passing day and cannot wait to see how you rock maternity style!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

    1. Thanks so much Amy! Praying for you as you guys try to conceive!

  28. Congratulations. I think it's fine not be excited when you are sick all the time. It's also completely normal not to be enthusiastic about children in general. but having a baby is about something else - it is about an incredible love relation with another human being and this comes when the baby is born, so don't worry or think too much about it -it will all come to you :)

    1. Thanks Basia! So well said! You are so right! I will definitely keep this in mind throughout my pregnancy!

  29. Congrats! The morning (all day sickness) hopefully will subside around month five. And yes, it's really is different when it's YOUR baby. I worked with a lady once that was so not into having a kid but she and her hubby decided to start a family. She had tons of questions for me leading up to the pregnancy. When she was back from maternity leave she was so broken up because she had to leave her little one at home. Becoming a parent is different for everyone and each little baby is different. Enjoy the journey hun!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement and well wishes! I really appreciate it!

  30. Congrats! I am glad you are feeling better. I wish I discovered the joy of thrifting before I spent hundreds of dollars on maternity clothing when I got pregnant almost 5 years ago. It will be fun to see how you dress your bump. I wasn't particularly maternal either and was ambivalent about getting pregnant for the first time and was an older first time mom. I imagine many people feel that way although few are brave enough to express it. I found that God developed my character through having my children and He provided the patience and love I needed to be a good mom for my children. Praise Jesus.

    1. Glad to hear I 'm no the only one who not completely excited to have kids! I love what you said abut God using parenthood to develop your character. I am fully depending on God giving me what I need to do this because I definitely don't feel qualified on my own! Thanks Kathy!

  31. I have been reading your blog for a while now, at least 4 years... I was starting to wonder if you were a childfree person. I struggle with the decision of having children too, for the same reasons you struggled, so I feel very identified with what you said about babies. I admire your honesty, I think that every couple, every woman, every girl is different and we should have the right to choose if motherhood is for us. Congratulations on your pregnancy, I will definitively keep visiting your blog and I will be excited to see your bump, and later your baby, and see him/her grow. That is exciting!

    1. First on all, thank you for being such a long time reader of T&S! I really appreciate that! Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who feels this way and that you were able to identify with my words. You are exactly the type of person I had in mind when I wrote this post and decided to just put it all out there! You are so right, being a parent is not for everyone and no one should ever be made to feel like they are wrong or different for choosing not to be a parent! Thanks so much Catalina! Good to hear from you!

  32. My sister would get migraines really bad when she was expecting the first time. It was awful and broke my heart. The second time the was expecting someone of handily asked if she ate bananas she said she did sometimes. The woman said eat one once a day and your headaches will go away!! THEY DID!! When I started getting migraines (not expecting) I started taking magnesium and it has helped a lot!! Congrats and have a banana!!

    1. That's a great tip! Thank you so much! I will try it!

  33. Sorry if a congratulatory post I submitted a few weeks ago was not received! I've been a big fan and am very happy for you.
