Friday, January 24, 2014

Thrifty Finds Friday: Out of The Closet Thift Store

Here are my thrift store finds from this week:
 vintage Pendelton jacket $4
 This is one of my favorite things I've found in a long time!
 Ann Taylor Loft dress $6

The rest of the items are from the Out of The Closet Thrift Store. It just opened in Columbus, Ohio a few months ago and this was my first visit. It was a little bit more expensive than the other thrift stores in Columbus but they had a lot of great stuff! It also seemed like they have good sales! I will definitely go back!
 Forever 21 jacket $7.50
Vestino Lace dress $8.50
size M
 vintage peplum dress org. $11.50 but was 30% off so I paid $8
 I'm thinking about cutting off the skirt and wearing this just as a top.
Fun 2 Fun gold//black dress $11.50
size M
 Ina dress org. $11.50 but was 30% off so I paid $8
size small
 vintage handmade dress $8.50
Express trumpet skirt $7.50

Any Favorites?

As always, the items with sizes listed I am going to be selling on eBay very soon! I don't have anything listed right now but you can get to my eBay page by clicking on Shop My Closet at the top of this blog!


  1. Love the Pendleton! New thrift store in town?! Now that is worth Thrifting and Shouting about! Where is it?

  2. Love the white lace dress, worth every penny :)

  3. Oh my gosh that vintage floral dress is perfect! I also really love that F21 jacket...great finds! I love finding new thrift stores, it's such a good feeling!

    Halfway Heroine

  4. That Pendleton would fetch a lot on eBay. The tribal patterns are HUGE on there right now. But I can totally see what you would want to keep it! Very cool

  5. That gold and black dress is amazing. Is it vintage? It looks like it. Definitely plays into the "slip dress as evening wear" trend!

    xo Ashley

  6. I'm loving that trumpet skirt! Great find!

  7. I LOVE that Pendleton jacket! That is so cool!

  8. I love both of the lace dresses as well as the black and gold!! Good Find!

  9. OH MY GOSH!! Amazing finds. I'm not sure which I like best, but the Pendleton is fabulous! The 2 dresses (Ann Taylor and Fun 2 Fun) would be so easy to wear for nights out and what a way to save some serious cash!!! But the cutest of all, which I could never in a million years pull off - but SO wish I could - is that vintage handmade dress. I would adore wearing that and dressing it up/down with tennies and a funky necklace. Oh my goodness, I would have the best time styling these!!!! WISH you were here in town!!!
    xo ~kim
