Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cute Outfit of the Day: Retro Leopard Confussion

Ok, I need your help!
 I got this vintage leopard dress last week at Goodwill and I'm not sure which way to wear it! The way the collar lays you would wear it the zipper in the front but the tag is actually right near the zipper. Since the tag traditionally goes in the back then that means you would wear it with the zipper in the back! Such confusion! So I tried it both ways and I need to know which way you think it looks better?


vintage dress: Goodwilll $2
vintage belt: Goodwill $2
shoes: Goodwill $4
sunglasses: Target $12
Total Cost: $20

Did you notice that my cheap sunglasses cost more than the whole rest of the outfit! I love it! almost as much as I love leopard print! And I also love how 60's this dress look! It was long but I think it's much cuter as a mod mini dress!

This Versace purse was the inspiration for this outfit:
Do you like it with the zipper in the front or with the zipper in the back?


  1. I love the dress with zip on the back.

  2. I prefer the zipper in the front but it really is cute either way!!

  3. I like it with the zipper in the back - the neckline is really different and fun that way!

  4. I like it with the zipper in the back. The neckline is great! Heather

  5. I like the zipper in the front. It makes more sense!

  6. I like it both ways. It looks more casual to me with the zipper in the front and the pointed collar and more sophisticated with the zipper in the back with the classic neckline.

  7. Definitely with the zipper in the back!

  8. i like it with the zipper in the back, but if you like switch it each time you wear it ... what a cute dress. love that pattern. ( :

  9. Zipper in the back. Love the dress!

  10. The high collar when the zipper's on the back gives so much class to the print's sass.

  11. What a cute dress! I'm going to go against the grain here and say I prefer it in the front! I think having it slightly open really elongates your neck!

    Fizz and Frosting

  12. When you zip in the back does it look weird where the zipper ends? I would think it looks like a backwards polo shirt. It does look great from the front either way.

    1. It zips all the way up to the top so it really doesn't look that unusual!

  13. It looks like there is a seam that continues beneath the zipper toward the hem but not a corresponding one in the center on the other side of the dress. This, along with the placement of the tag, makes me pretty certain that the zipper was designed to go in the back. Still, it looks cute either way, so do what make you comfortable! What a wonderful find!

    1. good point about the seam- I hadn't thought about that!

  14. It really does look cute either way, very cute dress and awesome belt at a great price!

  15. Love the collar with the zipper in the back! Looks great on you!

  16. The neckline looks much more chic and vintage with the zip at the back!

  17. I would love to see a photo of it from the back view. Still I'm pretty sure, I'd still love it zipper in the back. I looks so retro that way!

  18. I like it both ways but if I have to pick I vote for zipper in back. I think it would look even better with black heels vs the nude one. JMHO. Love the belt.

    1. yeah, I'll have to try it with black heels next time! I definitely debated it but went with the nude since it's summer!

  19. Oops, I meant nude ones, not one.

  20. Wow! I love the dress. And the belt. And the sunglasses. And as much as I love nude heels, I agree with another comment that black heels would look really good with this ensemble. I think you could do a really cute sporty chic look with the zipper in the front(maybe black wedge athletic shoes). But I also love the cowl neckline when the zipper is in the back. It is so classy and sophisticated. You scored when you got this dress! I think since you are a mood dresser you will just have to be impromptu in how you style it and I know your gonna kill it!(proof is in the pictures)

    1. Thanks! yeah I agree, black heels would look good too! Guess i was just in the mood for nude heel! LOL!

  21. I say wear the zipper in the front for summer then for winter turn it around add boots and a jacket and winterize it...

  22. I think the zipper at the back makes it look more modern but you wear it well both ways! Ax

  23. Love the dress! I think it looks great with the zipper in the back.

  24. What an adorable dress! I like it both ways, but I prefer the zipper in the back and agree that was probably the original intention.

    You look great!

  25. What a great find! I think I like the zipper in the front actually, very cute!


  26. Zipper in the front. Definitely.

  27. I think it looks cute both ways.

  28. The whole outfit looks great! It matches your hair perfectly. Love the sunglasses, too. I shop at Goodwill all the time and it is amazing the quality of clothing one can find there, many with the tags still on them. I like to buy clothing for the buttons, or turn into children's clothing or home decor.
    Neat blog!

  29. I like it both ways, but the zipper in the back gives it sort of an audrey hepburn type feel.


  30. Love your style.....I must agree with the zipper going towards the shows off the design of the dress much better than having the zipper showing in the front....the collar looks more elegant facing toward the back as well...I enjoy your blog...keep up the good work:-)

  31. Zipper in the back looks more vintage to me. So cute!

  32. Zipper in the back.

  33. The zipper goes in the back. It's a vintage style rolled collar which was popular on 60's shift dresses. You could wear it both ways, but it was made to be a back zip dress.
