Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Highlights

Highlights from my Christmas
 a new S'mores Man to add to my collection! This one has a camera- so perfect!
 a remote start for my car! No scraping this winter!
 tea, beer and chocolate- all my favorites! not together of course!
but my favorite part of Christmas this year was having my brothers girlfriend Monica and her 2 year old daughter Emmy! We played with all my old Barbies and stuffed animals at my parents house! It was so much fun!


  1. I want a remote start for my car! That would be so lovely!

    Emmy is adorable!

  2. My brother in law got someone that beers of the world too! Great idea!

  3. Having kids around for Christmas is the best!! I so wish we had some close by.

  4. I had that teal '57 Chevy convertible for my Barbies as a child! My niece has it now. :) Excellent memories!

  5. I am SO looking forward to playing Barbies with my lil' lady bean someday!

  6. Merry Christmas! I wish I still had my Barbies. Christmas is definitely more fun with littles around. My youngest is 13 and still fun but will be a too cool teenager soon! Thank goodness for baby nieces and nephews : )

  7. haha...the smores man is so cute! And the car remote is such a good idea!

  8. Merry Christmas from the UK. I love your blog. We have a thrift store but we call them second hand shops here in the UK. Please check out my blog, it's fairly new so not much on there yet. Keep up the good work and I wish you a very happy and prosperous new year.

  9. I love those little smores guys! So adorable! Glad you had a great holiday!
