Friday, May 13, 2011

Not So Odd Lots

When shopping for home decor Odd Lots and Big Lots are not usually the first stores that come to mind. But maybe they should be! Check out the beautiful items I bought for our home from Big Lots. The best part is that they were all on clearance!

 10 inch tall canister with lid $8

 12 inch tall vase $11

bowl $6
love doves $3 each

 6 inch tall cup $4

and this is where most of them live:

Are you surprised as I was at how chic these items are? You would never this they came from a place with "odd" in the name!


  1. Hey doll! Love your new layout :] It's okay- no worries. That is FABULOUS news, congrats pretty! I wish I could watch you but I think I will be working unless it is a weekend :/. I know you will do great! The small segment I did see on the link was wonderful. Hope to meet up again soon, maybe some thrifting! ♥ Best wishes*

  2. love the birds and the cup! what a great idea to put your makeup brushes in them. I can imagine the iridescent mosaic pieces would look so good in bathroom light!

  3. GOT to shopping with you one day. Oh boy the damage we could do!
