Friday, March 11, 2011

Goodwill Finds of the Week: Accessories Ect.

This week I was able to visit both the Morse Rd. and the High st. Goodwill's in one day. High St. had a large rack of jewelry on special for $1.99 each!

These are 2 separate necklaces but I just threw them on together. $1.99 each

Love this textured gold choker! So excited to wear it! only $1.99!

black leather belt from famous avant-garde designer Pierre Cardin. $1.99 
He is best know for his space age designs and the very first "bubble dress"
I love the sleek design of this belt! It could go with anything and make it look more refined.

Merona black/white silk tank $3.99

Express floral tank
Love that it is floral but not at all sweet! $2.49

Brand new from Target black fitted fleece top
perfect for the gym! $1.99

This is another Express top probably from the same season as the one above.
You know I love tissue soft t-shirts! $2.49

Ok so you are probably wondering what I'm doing with this giant funky thing!
I'm making a pillow out of it!
I was just wanting a navy blue Ikat print pillow for our living room then Voila! I find this! Since it is a size 16 it will give me plenty of fabric to work with! Perfection! $3.49
More on that later!


  1. Wow - just found your blog (via thingsifoundatthethriftstore), and I could spend all day here browsing.

    I just started a blog with more or less the same purpose as yours. Love your sleek design!

    Great finds by the way. I will be checking in regularly and feel free to stop by mine :-)

  2. Oh my goodness! I love the first two necklaces together! I would wear them with a nice white tank top or something. So cute! I also like the plaid tank a lot! :) You have a great eye!

  3. The textured gold necklace is fab! Can't wait to see what you pair it with.
