Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fix It Day!

I hope everyone had a great holiday with family and friends! Did you get everything you asked for?  Santa decided to bring me the flu for Christmas even though I'm pretty sure that wasn't on my wish list! So please forgive my blogging absence but between the craziness of the holiday and then being sick I just haven't been able to get to it!

Despite my weak, ailing body I tried to get a few things done today. I have a whole bin of sewing projects that I've been ignoring for months so I thought that would be a good place to start. These projects are all items that I purchased from the thrift store that needed fixed in some way. If I really like something and I think I can fix it I will buy it.

This dress was my first project because I want to take it on our tropical vacation in two weeks. It is a super cute and comfy cotton dress that was in mostly great condition except...

one of the straps had some stains on it (and it needs ironed- later!) So first I tried to bleach the strap but it wouldn't come out so then I just cut the ends off of both straps and retied a knot on the ends.

 it is still long enough to tie behind the neck but the ends just don't hang down as far as before which doesn't matter to me!

My next project was on a pair of black leggins (which I can never have to many of!)

The pant legs have these cute little cuffs but one of the straps had some loose. That is more than likely why these brand new pants from Target were at Goodwill in the first place. So I simply sewed a couple of stitches and they are as good as new now!

This next project is on this black silk retro looking corset top.

One of the straps was coming off so I simply sewed it back into place!

The last project I did today was on this brand new super girly Erin Fetherston dress. It was missing a button which is most likely why it was at Goodwill with the tags still on it.

I didn't have the exact button so I just used a black one of the same size. I figured I would probably wear a belt with this dress so it won't even show. I keep a box of buttons for projects just like this one. Every time I purchase anything with extra buttons instead of throwing them away or tossing them aside where I would never be able to find them if I needed them, I have this special little box that a friend made for me that I keep them all in.

Moral of the story is if you have some very basic sewing skills you can score some pretty great stuff that other people get rid of because they don't know how to fix it or don't want to fix it or that a store can't sell!

Alright, back to bed now!

1 comment:

  1. Shoot! I need to create an event where I can borrow that pink dress! so pretty!
    I drove past the new goodwill the other week and almost stopped . . . :)
